COVID-19 Considerations
As we continue to adapt to the COVID-19 Coronavirus outbreak and with both mandates and precautions, we are providing a brief update on our operations.
To ensure the safety of our employees and to do our part to work towards flattening the curve, we are working remotely. Fortunately, BF Law has a plan in place to ensure business continuity so that we are operational and fully available to handle client matters as seamlessly as possible. We remain reachable by phone, video, and email as normal, and will continue to have full access to our systems, and although face-to-face meetings need to be curtailed, please know that with our systems in place we are ready to assist you with any challenges you are facing or questions you have.
We realize that each client, each business, each industry and each family will feel the effects in different ways and BF Law is prepared to help you navigate this new reality. Our thoughts are with everyone impacted by this pandemic, and we wish for everyone to remain healthy and safe as we work through these challenging times together.
To help our business clients navigate through this unprecedented time, we encourage you to read our recent posts on COVID-19 titled “What Employers Need To Know About the New Family First Coronavirus Response Act,” “CARES Act and the Paycheck Protection Program,” and “DOL Provides Answers to Questions About Federal Paid Sick and Family Leave Laws.” As always, please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns.